Let's Talk Shop
Coming to you from the Windy City, and hosted by Elias Khnaser! Welcome to Lets Talk Shop! A Podcast about all things cloud and enterprise tech. Listen to insights and guest interviews with IT thought leaders and professionals.
Let's Talk Shop
In-Depth Analysis of AWS Re:Invent 2022: Key Takeaways and Trends
Elias Khnaser
Season 1
Episode 18
Let's Talk Shop directly from AWS Re:Invent 2022. My guests to help me comment and recap the show are Maribel Lopez, Mo Hasan and Sanjeev Mohan. Re:Invent is always a great time to connect with friends and colleagues and this year was my first year back in Vegas and the show was amazing.
PODCASTS: Listen wherever you get your podcasts:
► Let's Talk Shop: http://letstalkshop.buzzsprout.com
► It Depends with Eli and Sanjeev: http://itdepends.buzzsprout.com
Follow me:
► TikTok: @ekhnaser
► Instagram: @ekhnaser
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► LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/eliaskhnaser/
► Website: www.eliaskhnaser.com